GenNext has a series of products, developed over 40 years of
constant research, that grows better turf grass. Our products are based on the belief that microorganisms are
the key to building dense strong turf grass. GenNext products are not live microbes. GenNext has taken the essential
microorganisms through the necessary life cycles to provide products that promote
and provide strong dominant turf grass growth. We do this by extracting, in our
labs, specific hormones, enzymes and organic complexes produced by these
microbes adding additional micro nutrients, N and K as needed.
Let me state again, microorganisms are
the key to building dense strong turf grass. Such organisms are responsible for
releasing ingredients that solubilize various minerals and organic substances
for root uptake. These microbes are responsible for releasing substances that
are taken up by the plants that encourage aggressive root and rhizome growth
that build cells, cell walls, healing, better withstanding adversities and assisting
in developing/building immunity and defense systems. Besides the plant
improvement, these organisms are also responsible for the development of rich,
productive soil, the breakdown and release of toxic substances and the buildup
of organic matter other essentials for improving soil aggregates, penetration
and productivity.
The microbes associated with healthy turf
grass growth have the ability to release materials that are toxic to many
pathogenic disease organisms, insects and weeds. These represent nature’s
natural defense. If they were encouraged to grow effectively they automatically
control, prevent and kill these pests reducing the need for herbicides,
fungicides and pesticide applications.When these soil microbes are deficient
or non-existent, the grass weakens, thins out and eventually dies, other plants
begin to invade quickly as they do not require these same microbes for their existence.
Because of the large number of negative conditions that exist in a typical golf
course soil these microorganisms cannot exist and/or function in the number
required for healthy turf grass growth.
They cannot be added to the soil because of the toxic and negative soil
conditions present would kill live microbes as they are applied.
The GenNext products contain no live microbes, We have taken the essential microorganisms through
the necessary life cycles to provide products that obtain strong dominant turf
grass growth. We do this by extracting, in our labs, specific hormones, enzymes
and organic complexes produced by these microbes adding additional micro
nutrients, N and K as needed. When those products are applied to the soil the
healing process begins by simulating the microbial actions to produce the
- Materials that build and maintain necessary levels of organic matter that will build and maintain good structure and soil aggregates
- Develop natural process whereby soil building is constantly forming loose soils to allow proper and effective flow of water and gases.
- Improve the water holding ability of the soils at greater depths to reduce the need of frequent, heavy watering, especially during dry periods.
- Improve the ability of the soil to hold and maintain effective levels and balances of nutrients and organic materials (enzymes, hormones and other organic compounds) necessary for the turf grass absorption and building and maintain continued health and vitality
- Maintain and provide an army of defense soil microbes to fend off and kill pathogens of insects, disease organisms and weed invaders
- Maintain the soil in a constant state of ideal productivity
We welcome all superintendents to call us out on the products! We stand behind the products, contact us, send a recent soil report and we work with you on a program that will prove on your turf that our products are exceptional. Challenge us today! CALL ME AT 952.215.2078
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